Chernobyl is a five-part historical dramatelevision miniseries created and written by Craig Mazin, and directed by Johan Renck. A co-production between HBOand Sky UK, it depicts the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April 1986 and the unprecedented cleanup efforts that followed. It features an ensemble castconsisting of primarily European performers, led by Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgård, Emily Watson, and Paul Ritter. The series premiered in the United States on May 6, 2019, and in the United Kingdom on May 7, 2019. It has been strongly praised by television critics.
Chernobyl is a five-part historical dramatelevision miniseries created and written by Craig Mazin, and directed by Johan Renck. A co-production between HBOand Sky UK, it depicts the Chernobyl nuclear disaster of April 1986 and the unprecedented cleanup efforts that followed. It features an ensemble castconsisting of primarily European performers, led by Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgård, Emily Watson, and Paul Ritter. The series premiered in the United States on May 6, 2019, and in the United Kingdom on May 7, 2019. It has been strongly praised by television critics.
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